We regret we will not treat any of the above or below variations as defects, as these are natural occurrences. The below attributes are considered as part and parcel of our Handmade products and will not be considered as damages/defects. This is not an exhaustive list. Different shades of wood or finish.
Slight design difference from picture - example the carving is not exactly the same as the published picture. Small filler marks - as long as the extent of filler does not cover a high percentage of the piece.Dimension differences - within acceptable levels. This applies to positioning of shelf or product height etc. And not just overall dimensions.
Two pieces not being exactly the same - as each piece is individually handcrafted, no two pieces will be exactly the same. Fabric orientation - where the pictures on fabrics are not in exactly the same locations as on the photographs.
Fabric colour different to picture - down to the difficulty in colour rendition of various computers. Gap around the drawers and doors to give room for change in temperature.
In Painted and screen printed items, a minor off-touch as the entire process is manually done and is not machine generated and variations do happen due to wood surface or otherwise.